17 iulie 2014


Be your own kind of beautiful!

It's all about attitude!
Simple makeup, black pants, shiny top, lovely SIX earrings and a SMILE was all I needed last night to feel pretty.
Girls, you are all special and beautiful, no matter what people think or say.
Just put a smile on your face, look in the mirror and say : "I am such a beautiful girl!". This sentence will help you, trust me, you will see that people will look at you the way you see yourself.

"I'm gonna love ya
                             Until you hate me" (Iggy Azalea- Black Widow)

Frumuseţea vine din interior...

"Frumuseţea este în atitudine - este o expresie a eleganţei şi a încrederii." (Ralph Lauren)

Unii oameni spun că frumuseţea stă în ochi...oare aşa să fie?

Frumuseţea fizică poate capta atenţia, dar, în realitate, frumuseţea interioară captează inimi.

Top(black): Bershka
Pants: H & M
Earrings: Six

A present for those boys who can see your beauty beneath the makeup and your clothes:

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