Probabil inca de la primii oameni care au inceput sa isi incropeasca hainele a aparut ideea ca ele trebuie sa te scoata in evidenta. Si, exceptand perioadele regimurilor totalitare si uzinele, uniformele nu au fost niciodata privite cu ochi buni pentru ca, pana la urma, toti vrem sa iesim in evidenta.
In ziua de azi, industria modei pune la dispozitia maselor o gama extrem de variata de produse, insa chiar si in aceste conditii putem observa cum anumite modele se repeta, cum o mare parte din populatie alege sa urmeze pur si dimplu trendul in loc sa caute originalitatea.
Noi in schimb, iubim tot ce e diferit, iar aceste bluze, cu imprimeu 3D sunt un exemplu foarte bun de ... altceva. De ce sa te pierzi in multime cu o bluza monocroma cand poti iesi in evidenta cu un imprimeu inedit?
// The idea that our clothes have to make us stand out probably appeared from the early dawn of men, when the first people began to dress themselves. And, excepting totalitarian regimes and factories, uniforms have never been seen as choices because, in the end, we all want to stand out.
Today, the fashion industry gives us aa very wide range of products, but we can still see patterns, due to the fact that a lot of people choose to follow a trend as it is and not look for originality.
But we love everything that is different and these 3D print blouses are the perfect example of... something else. Why blend in with a monocrome blouse, when you can stand out with a unique print?
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