26 martie 2014


Zoo Sibiu

 RO: Dupa cum mentionam ieri, ultima pe lista obiectivelor noastre sibiene a fost Gradina Zoologica. Am fi mers la Muzeul Astra, dar nu aveam timp suficient pentru a-l vizita asa cum trebuie, deci mai bine l-am lasat pentru data viitoare :P.

Motivul principal pentru care am ales Zoo a fost speranta ca o sa ne dam cu barca pe lac, dar nu s-a intamplat asta :(. Din pacate nu erau inca barcile. Daca va duceti in aprilie, in schimb, o sa fie disponibile. Totusi, ne-am distrat maxim. Nu sunt asa de multe animale, dar cele existente sunt maxime, mai ales maimutele :))). Am stat 15 minute si am ras ca apaucatele de micutele primate. Adriana a tinut neaparat sa se pozeze cu ele si erau atat de dragute ca le-am fi luat acasa :))).

Am tot cautat elefanti, dar nu sunt :(. In schimb ursul facea yoga, camila a vrut sa ne pupe si tigrul dadea ture. Lupii erau cam lesinati si babuinii ne-au tratat cu spatele. Si in tot acest timp noi cantam de zor Happy, pentru ca nu am fi avut cum sa fim altcumva.

Momentul plecarii a fost unul trist. Sibiul, atat de frumos, ne-a ramas in suflet, insa amintirile le-am luat cu noi. Dar nu ne-am limitat la poze, pentru ca ele ajuta, insa nu sunt intotdeauna suficiente. Deci ce puteam face mai mult? Aflati maine!

EN: As we mentiones yesterday, last on our to visit list in Sibiu was the Zoo. We would have liked to see the Astra Museum, but we didn't have enough time so we had to leave it for next time. 

The main reason why we chose the zoo was hoping we would take a stroll with the boat on the lake but that didn't happen because there are no boats in March at the zoo :))). They are only available starting with April. Regardless, we had a great time. We laughed so much while watching the monkeys and the were so cute that we would have taken them home.

Unfortunately, we couldn't find any elephants, just a bear that was taking yoga, a kissing camel and a very anxious tiger. The wolves didn't care about us at all and the baboons were giving us the cold shoulder, while we were singing and dancing to Pharell's - Happy because we wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else.

We were so sad when we had to leave. Sibiu is an amazing beautiful city that is in our hearts now. We took so many memories with us, not just the pictures, but this a story for tomorrow. 

Selfie cu maimuta!

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