Buna, buna!
Imi tot vine sa zic dimineata, dar a trecut de mult :))). Asa e cand dormi mai toata ziua, ceea ce am cam facut noi pentru ca aseara, pentru prima oara dupa mult timp planetele s-au aliniat si, cum am ramas in weekend in Timisoara, am iesit si noi cu fetele in oras. Avand in vedere cat de mult am dormit, nu cred ca trebuie sa mai mentionez ca a fost genial :D.
Partea cea mai tare a fost ca toate am zis ca nu vrem sa ne aranjam. Ca iesim doar asa, casual. Si cand a fost momentul adevarului, nu stiam care avem rochita mai scurta si tocurile mai inalte :))). De fapt fetele erau pe tocuri pentru ca eu am ales mai safe, cizme joase :D.
Adriana in schimb a fost geniala. Mi-a placut totul la tinuta ei. Rochita care imi amintea de
Chiara si pe care eu nu as putea-o purta niciodata. Sosetele lungi atat de la moda in momentul de fata. Iar de cercei ce sa mai zic? :)))
Majoritatea pozelor le-am facut la plecare pentru ca, sa fim serioase, in club nici lumina nu e cea mai buna, iar principala preocupare este dansul.
Acum am plecat sa mai facem niste poze pentru ca in Timisoara soarele straluceste pe cer si vremea e perfecta :D.
// I keep thinking Good morning, but that train's passed a long time ago. That's what happens when you sleep all day because last night you were out partying. And that's what happend to us this Saturday, when the planets aligned and we all stayed in Timisoara for the weekend. So what could have been better that a girls night out? And seeing how much I slept, I don't think I need to mention that it was brilliant.
The best part was that everyone said we were gonna do something casual because we weren't in the mood to get all dolled up. But when the time came, we had to measure which dress was shorter and which heels higher :))). Actualy the girls wore heels, I chose my very dependable pair of boots.
Adriana looked amazing. I loved everything about her outfit. The dress that reminded me of Chiara and that I would definetly never wear. The long socks, very in right now. And the earrings were the best part :))
Most of the picture were taken on our way out because, let's be serious, the light is awful in any club and your main focus is dancing and drinking.
That it for now. We're going out to take some more photos because the sun is shining in Timisoara and the weather is perfect :D.
Earrings: Meli Melo