14 aprilie 2014


Amazing clutches

Daca sunteti in cautarea unui clutch mai deosebit, fiti atente aici pentru ca sansele sa gasiti in alta parte mai dragute sunt aproape 0. Adriana a descoperit aceste posetute in timp ce naviga pe Internet si s-a indragostit pe loc. Dar cum se putea altfel cu asa imprimeuri, demne intr-adevar de o muza chic? :))

Care este modelul vostru preferat?

// If you are looking for that special clutch you should pay close attention because the chances of finding something pretier elsewhere are almost 0. Adriana found them while surfing the web and fell in love instantly. But how could she have done anything ele when seeing these prints, truly worthy of a chic muse?

Which is your favorite model?

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