Am auzit la un moment dat expresia asta într-un film şi mi-a plăcut maxim:
Men... can't live with them, can't kill them...
Şi uneori ne dorim să îi strângem de gât. Dar când ne privesc ştrengăreşte, când îi admirăm în costume bine croite sau în ţinute lejere sau, mai bine, când le admirăm pătrăţelele la piscină, ne dăm seama că viaţa noastră ar fi atât de plictisitoare fără ei...
Aşa că astăzi, de Ziua Internaţională a Bărbaţilor declarata de cei de la Bergenbier, am vrea să le urăm tuturor masculilor (cum le zice Adriana) La mulţi ani! Şi celor pe care îi iubim. Şi celor pe care, din motive subiective, îi detestăm :))), dar mai ales iubirilor imposibile, acelor bărbaţi superbi pe care îi vedem în filme şi la care putem doar visa <3
// I've heard this expression in a movie or something and loved it on the spot:
Men... can't live with them, can't kill them...
And sometimes we so want to strangle them. But when they look at us with those naughty eyes and we admire them in their perfectly tailored suits or their casual wear or, even better, when we get to see by the pool that six pack they've been working so hard at the gym for, we realise our lives would be so boring without them.
Therefore, today, on Bergenbier's International Mens Day, we would like to wish all the boys Happy birthday! To those we love. To those we hate (from very subjective reasons :))). But especially to the imposible loves, the gorgeous men we see in movies and in our dreams mostly <3
// I've heard this expression in a movie or something and loved it on the spot:
Men... can't live with them, can't kill them...
And sometimes we so want to strangle them. But when they look at us with those naughty eyes and we admire them in their perfectly tailored suits or their casual wear or, even better, when we get to see by the pool that six pack they've been working so hard at the gym for, we realise our lives would be so boring without them.
Therefore, today, on Bergenbier's International Mens Day, we would like to wish all the boys Happy birthday! To those we love. To those we hate (from very subjective reasons :))). But especially to the imposible loves, the gorgeous men we see in movies and in our dreams mostly <3
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