Play it: Ella Henderson - Yours
"Cause I feel like I'm ready for love
And I wanna be your everything and more
And I know every day you say it
But I just want you to be sure
That I'm yours"
And I wanna be your everything and more
And I know every day you say it
But I just want you to be sure
That I'm yours"
Sunt zile în care sunt fericită, mă trezesc fericită şi adorm fericită. Sunt zile ca cea de azi, în care nu am motive în plus să mă simt fericită faţă de restul zilelor, dar mă simt altfel, zâmbesc altfel, privesc totul altfel.
Sper că pozele mele de azi vă transmit ceea ce tocmai v-am spus şi sper să vă pot molipsii cu un zâmbet de la mine.
Am observat azi că oamenii te privesc altfel când emani energie pozitivă, când le zambeşti chiar şi doar cu privirea. Şi să nu credeţi că vorbesc doar de băieţi, chiar dacă azi am avut parte de surprize din partea lor :)) şi chiar dacă am primit nişte complimente foarte drăguţe de la persoane absolut necunoscute.
"Zâmbetele sunt sărutările sufletului." Minna Thomas Antrim
"Dacă vrei mai multe zâmbete, zâmbeşte mai mult."Sandy Forster
EN: There are days when I am simply happy, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. There are days, like today, when I don't have any extraordinary reason to smile, but I feel so different that I have a bigger smile and see everything in a better light.
I hope that the photos we took today will show you just how wonderful today was and that seeing them will make you smile too.
One of the thing I noticed today was how people were looking at me. I think that people can tell if you have positive energy to give around because your eyes are the first to show it. And I'm not talking only about boys, even if I had a couple surprises today and some very nice compliment from complete strangers.
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